Category Archives: Uncategorized

WARNING: Man Soliciting Allendale Women For Bogus Wrestling Event

Heads up ladies in Allendale! Multiple women have reported a man coming up to them asking if they’d like to come to the Sleep Inn to participate in a “wrestling” event…. it has happened at several locations in the area. Rochelle Dozeman local woman of the area was approached by what she dubbed a ‘creepy…MORE

NHL Commissioner Says Banning Hits to Head Impossible

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told a parliamentary panel that banning any kind of head contact in hockey would be impossible to enforce and would most likely lead to the end of all hits in hockey. The government wants the ban to prevent serious head injuries but Bettman got hot while speaking to parliament, saying that…MORE

Astronaut, GR Native Shouts Out Michigan From Space

When your an astronaut from Michigan you have to do a photo shout out from space, because I mean let’s be honest our state is pretty easy to pick out from space! Christina Koch a GR native is on a record breaking flight in space. She left in December and will be up there for 11…MORE

Guardians of the Galaxy Targets 2020 Production Start

Looks like Marvel will bet back to work next year with Guardians of the Galaxy. The third installment is scheduled to start filming next year ahead of its 2021 production start date. James Gunn is back at the helm of the film that was supposed to start production this year, but now that he’s back…MORE

Here’s What the Night King Really Looks Like

Now that he’s had his run-in with Arya Stark, Game of Thrones fans are now learning more about the Night King like how he looks without all the makeup. The man who plays the Night King is Vladimír Furdík, and when fans saw what he looked like without the makeup, fans said they wouldn’t mind…MORE

Twitter Reacts To Video Of Cat Sliding Knife Under Bathroom Door

Cat videos still rule the internet. Just ask Grace Gardner, who shared footage of her feline companion sliding a knife under the closed bathroom door while she was in there. According to Gardner, her “very sweet” kitty suffers from separation anxiety when she goes to do her business, leading to the weapon brandishing. The could-be…MORE

Opening week at Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park

Spring is here and that means opening week at Boulder Ridge Wild Animal park. If you have never been it is must go for you and the family! They take a lot of pride in the wide array of rare and endangered animals they provide a home for. They have many animals that are are the only…MORE

Burger King Plans To Roll Out Impossible Whopper Across The United States

Burger King is looking to appeal to vegetarians not only with salad options but with a new plant based burger. They started using a plant-based patty from Impossible Foods called the “Impossible Burger.” The test took place in St. Louis and “went exceedingly well,” a spokesperson for Restaurant Brands International, Burger King’s parent company, said.…MORE

Salmonella Outbreak In Michigan Linked To Melons Sickening 117 People

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released that there has been an outbreak of salmonella that is linked to precut melon and has made 117 people sick. The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration say the likely source of the outbreak is Caito Foods LLC in Illinois. This type of precut melon is sold at Kroger, Target,…MORE

How To Keep Google From Tracking Your Every Move

Google is better than any private eye in knowing what you’ve been up to and where you’ve been. “It’s a creepy level of detail,” says CNBC’s Todd Haselton. Thankfully you can delete the tracking logs, but it will require a little work. First step is to open their Privacy Checkup and scroll down to Manage…MORE